
7th Riga International Textile and Fibre Art Triennial "QUO VADIS?"

Severija Inčirauskaitė-Kriaunevičienė’s artwork “Spring is in the Air," which is part of the Lewben Art Foundation collection, will be showcased at the 7th Riga International Textile and Fibre Art Triennial, which will take place from the 16th of June till the 17th of September 2023.

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Severija Inčirauskaitė-Kriaunevičienė. "Spring is in the Air", 2022 (detail) (Metal fuel tanks, cotton. Drilling, cross-stitch, 48 x 280 x 6 cm). Collection of the Lewben Art Foundation. (Photo by Ineta Armonavičiūtė)

This year the theme is "QUO VADIS?" (Where Are We Going?) – the curated selection of international artists and their representative work will partake in developing the conversation around art, as a field that comes to face contemporary geopolitical and social problems.

In harmony with the theme, Severija Inčirauskaitė-Kriaunevičienė’s work “Spring is in the Air'' invites the viewer to face the reality of the brutal war in Ukraine and the overarching climate crisis.

The piece is composed of old metal fuel tanks that speak to the overwhelming use of military machinery and petroleum products, the following domino effect of daily fluctuating graphs that indicate oil and electricity stock and (un)employment markets. In the midst of all this atrociousness the embroidered flowers then symbolize more than just springtime, but also the belief that there is nothing more stable than the rhythm of nature. Seemingly encapsulating a sliver of hope and reassurance poking through the rough demeanor of the modern-day world.


More information available here.

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