Presentation of the new art album “Readdressed 1. Lithuanian and Litvak Painting in the Lithuanian Expatriate Art Foundation”
On 24 February at 4 pm during Vilnius Book Fair 2017 (LITEXPO, Laisvės av. 5, Vilnius) the presentation of the newly published art album “Readdressed 1. Lithuanian and Litvak Painting in the Lithuanian Expatriate Art Foundation” will be taking place. The presentation will be attended by compiler and author of the book DR Rasa Andriušytė-Žukienė, designer of the book Viktorija Leleivė, one of the most established contemporary Lithuanian artist working in exile Stasys Eidrigevičius, director of the Vilna Gaon Jewish State Museum Markas Zingeris, historian, publicist, culture researcher DR Egidijus Aleksandravičius and director of the Lithuanian Expatriate Art Foundation Ugnė Bužinskaitė.

Art album “Readdressed 1. Lithuanian and Litvak Painting in the Lithuanian Expatriate Art Foundation” is devoted to the Lithuanian expatriate paintings from the early 20th century to the present that are part of the Foundation’s art collection. The album presents over 300 paintings and 61 painters. It is the first volume of the publication and covers the paintings of Lithuanian artists in exile; the second volume will include selected works of graphic art, sculptures, installations, and mixed media from the collection of the Lithuanian Expatriate Art Foundation.
Read more about the book here.
The book will be available for purchase during the Vilnius Book Fair at Lewben Art Foundation booth 3.56
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