Exhibition “From Realism to the Object. Lithuanian World Art in the Collection of the Lithuanian Expatriate Art Foundation" opens in Marijampolė
On 8 December at 3 pm at Beatričė Kleizaitė-Vasaris' art gallery in Marijampolė (P. Butlerienės st. 5, Marijampolė) exhibition “From Realism to the Object. Lithuanian World Art in the Collection of the Lithuanian Expatriate Art Foundation” will open. Exhibition marks the fifth birthday of the Lithuanian Expatriate Art Foundation and it is also one of the first events to celebrate Marijampolė as Lithuanian Capital of Culture in 2018.

The exhibition presents a range of Lithuanian artists, with work ranging from 1942 to contemporary art. The curator of the exhibition Dr Rasa Andriušytė-Žukienė included works by Algimantas Kezys, Česlovas Janušas, Kazys Daugėla, Pranas Gailius, Viktoras Petravičius, Elena Urbaitytė-Urbaitis, Adolfas Valeška, Viktoras Vizgirda, Kęstutis Zapkus, Kazimieras Žoromskis, Ray Bartkus, Stasys Eidrigevičius, Rūta Jusionytė and Žilvinas Kempinas.
The Lithuanian Expatriate Art Foundation has selected works of high artistic value from its large and rich collection that have been exhibited in galleries and museums worldwide. The exhibition presents the works not only in their capacity as artistic treasures, but also as witnesses of their times, revealing the search for an identity, and particular moments in the complex life of the nation.
Organisers: Meilė Lukšienė's Education Centre in Marijampolė, Lithuanian Expatriate Art Foundation, Lewben Art Foundation
Partner – Marijampolė City Municipality
Curator – Dr Rasa Andriušytė-Žukienė
Architecture and design – IMPLMNT architects
From Realism to the Object. Lithuanian World Art in the Collection of the Lithuanian Expatriate Art Foundation
Beatričė Kleizaitė-Vasaris' art gallery (P. Butlerienės st. 5, Marijampolė)
2017 12 08–2018 03 11